Our keen understanding. Your clear perspective.

Sight is a niche firm in the field of construction law and real estate law, primarily representing large construction and real estate parties.
Our clients include construction companies, project developers, investors, public authorities and users.

We favour a personal and pragmatic approach. Our many years of experience have given us a thorough understanding of the world
in which our clients operate, which allows us to put our legal expertise to efficient and appropriate use.

In that sense the partners at Sight should really be regarded as trusted advisors. Our aim is to work together in a respectful manner,
focusing at all times on the ultimate objective.

As our client you can therefore rest assured of our keen understanding throughout the process. Critical if necessary, creative if
possible, while offering a fresh, open and professional approach.

Welcome to Sight.
Saskia Könemann

Saskia Könemann

Lawyer and Partner

Saskia has worked as a lawyer (advocaat) since 1998. She specialises in construction law and procurement law and represents in particular large and smaller contractors, principals and architects. Saskia litigates in and advises on disputes regarding various types of contract documents, including traditional contract documents governed by the UAV (Dutch Uniform Administrative Conditions for the Execution of Works), such as Standaard RAW and STABU, as well as integrated types of contract documents, such as UAV-GC. detailed CV >
Sebastiaan Sellenraad

Sebastiaan Sellenraad

Lawyer and Partner

Sebastiaan has worked as a lawyer (advocaat) since 1999. He specialises in civil real estate law, focusing in particular on project and area development and related real estate transactions. He primarily represents construction developers and institutional and other investors. detailed CV >
Wyke de Vos

Wyke de Vos

Lawyer and Partner

Wyke has been a lawyer since 2006. She specialises in environmental law and general administrative law. Wyke advises and litigates in the fields of environmental plan and (environmental) permit procedures for business and housing developments, transformation and redevelopment of existing buildings, and the related environmental law and nature conservation law aspects. She also advises on the public law aspects of property transactions. Wyke primarily works for building developers and institutional and other investors, but also represents public authorities, civil-law notaries, estate agents, architects and interest groups. Wyke furthermore has broad experience in administrative law enforcement cases and general administrative law matters. detailed CV >
Anneke Franken van Bloemendaal

Anneke Franken van Bloemendaal

Lawyer and Partner

Anneke has been a lawyer since 2006. She specialises in environmental law, administrative law, planning and zoning law, the granting of permits and enforcement. Anneke advises and litigates on environmental plans and (environmental) permits for - for instance - offices, hotels, commercial and residential developments. She also has extensive experience with land exploitation and environmental and nature conservation law aspects such as nitrogen, noise, traffic, and parking. Anneke acts mainly for building developers and institutional and private investors, but also represents public authorities, civil-law notaries, estate agents, architects, property users and interest groups. Furthermore, she has extensive experience in administrative law enforcement cases and general administrative law matters, such as operating licences, compensation for loss resulting from administrative acts, subsidies, the Public Administration (Probity Screening) Act, the Open Government Act, and the enforcement of the Alcohol Act and Tobacco Act. detailed CV >
Hans Koolen

Hans Koolen

Lawyer and Partner

Hans has been a lawyer since 2014. His focus areas are (spatial) administrative law, environmental and planning law (in particular, the Environment and Planning Act) and administrative enforcement. He advises and litigates on behalf of various parties, including private individuals, architects, investment companies, property developers and municipalities. Hans has extensive experience in litigation before committees deciding on notices of objection, district courts and the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State. He also regularly publishes in academic journals (including as a regular annotator to Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht), gives courses and seminars and has written a practice-oriented book on transitional planning law in zoning plans and physical environment plans. detailed CV >
Sanny van der Wiel

Sanny van der Wiel


Sanny has been a lawyer since 2021. She specializes in civil real estate law and construction law. In particular, she advises and litigates on leases, construction agreements and purchase agreements. detailed CV >

Specialist areas

Construction law

Sight advises contractors and principals, consultants and architects during all the phases of the work, from the contracting phase to the final settlement. Sight has a thorough understanding of the construction process and of the standard conditions applied, such as the UAV, UAV-TI, UAV-GC, Standaard RAW, STABU and DNR.

Sight also regularly handles disputes in the field of construction law, such as changes, contract variations, building delays, construction time, (hidden) defects, guarantees, and suspension or termination of the work. Carefully assessing and recording the parties' positions can help to reach a solution in consultation. If those attempts are successful, legal proceedings are conducted if necessary. Sight is skilled and experienced in litigating before both the ordinary courts and the various arbitration institutes.

Procurement law

Sight advises companies in tendering procedures, also after the contract has been awarded. If necessary, it litigates on the awarding of the contract, usually in preliminary relief proceedings. Sight is also consulted by contracting authorities regarding the drafting of tender documents and the awarding of the contract.

Project development and area development

Sight advises parties that are involved in the development/redevelopment of real estate, such as offices, shopping centres, hotels, distribution and data centres, and residential real estate. It also advises on area development, in particular with regard to inner-city redevelopment. We have a great deal of expertise and experience in the field of the redevelopment of real estate with fragmented ownership, such as shopping centres owned by an owners' association or cooperative owners' association and current and former business parks.

Real estate transactions

As part of its project development practice, Sight advises on the purchase and sale of real estate, in particular on the purchase of undeveloped or partly developed real estate. Sight has experience with the purchase and sale of offices, hotels, industrial real estate, distribution centres, construction sites, leisure objects and shopping centres.


Sight advises (and, if necessary, litigates) on a wide range of landlord and tenant law issues, in particular issues that interface with project development and real estate transactions, such as the termination of leases, renovation and urgent use by the landlord itself.

Environmental and planning law

Environmental and planning law deals with our living environment and includes spatial planning law, environmental law, nature protection law and water law. Environmental and planning law is unavoidable in the development of property projects. Sight advises and litigates in this context in the fields of environmental plans, permits for derogations from the environmental plan, protection of natural values, environmental impact assessments, building permits, listed building consent, sustainability requirements, permits under the Huisvestingswet (Housing Act) and all kinds of other permits required in project development, commercial operations and the use of buildings and lands.

General administrative law

In addition to providing advice and litigation assistance in the field of environmental and planning law Sight also advises on general administrative law, such as supervision, enforcement and administrative penalties, subsidy law, public order, the Wet open overheid (Open Government Act) and the Wet Bibob (Public Administration (Probity Screening) Act).


Concertgebouwplein 15 H
1071 LL Amsterdam
T +31(0)20 26 18 320
F +31(0)20 26 18 321
E info@sight.law
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